A member of the AW team went to a William Shatner autograph session near Chicago and held up the line for 10 minutes talking motorcycles with Shatner, including the possibility of building one for the man himself. It was a great talk, but we were still surprised when Shatner promptly called the next business day to keep talking. Before we knew it, we were headed down to Lexington, KY to have lunch with Bill and his wife, Elizabeth. We came out of that meeting with Bill’s blessing to move forward with designing the machine, albeit with three “small” caveats: it had to be a trike, it had to have room for two people, and it had to have a canopy to protect him and Liz from the elements. Energized by our meeting, Kevin started designing immediately and believed that a machine for William Shatner had to possess the iconic qualities of the man himself. The first draft of the Rivet design was sent to Bill within a few days. Unsure if the bold design had turned him off, we anxiously awaited word back from Bill, who left little doubt with his eventual response: “I almost jumped out of my motorcycle boots when I saw this sensational design…it’s also startling and innovative. There’s nothing else out there like it.”

Rivet is a type of vehicle we call “Landjet.” Designed from the ground up as a 3-wheeled vehicle, with an exposed cockpit and command center, seating fit only for a captain, and the harmonious roar of it’s brute V8, piloting Rivet gives you the unmistakeable feeling of flying on the open road. The intent is not only to draw attention to the pilot and the vehicle itself, but to showcase the art and craft of hand built machines, done in the spirit of keeping America’s “routes” alive.
It is our belief that a man made machine possesses character and soul, much like the men and women who have built and protected this great country. Design inspiration for RIVET is pulled from the timeless designs of the machines that helped win WWII, with particular attention to one of the most feared airplanes in American history, the B-17 Bomber.
Through our mutual history and passion for the craft of motorcycles and fine automobiles, William Shatner and American Wrench come together to do something that has not been done before. Without a formidable machine in the marketplace that provides the experience Bill desired, we set out to design and develop something that would not just meet his expectations, but blow the minds of everyone who sees, pilots or experience’s it.
Rivet will deliver an experience that rivals the refinements and power of a fine automobile, without compromising the raw sensory feedback and grit of a motorcycle on the open road. The goal is to marry man and machine to deliver an exhilarating driving experience that rivals the best on the street.